From: Jason W Neyers <>
To: Obligations list <>
Date: 12/01/2021 18:28:50
Subject: ODG: Book Launch Invitation

Dear Colleagues:


The Oxford Obligations Discussion Group will be hosting a virtual book launch marking the publication of Capitalism Before Corporations by Andreas Televantos, Associate Professor and Hanbury Fellow and Tutor in Law at Lincoln College, Oxford. It will take place on Microsoft Teams from 1pm to 2pm (GMT) on Monday 1 February 2021. 


The event will be chaired by Prof Dame Sarah Worthington (Cambridge). Prof Charles Mitchell (UCL) will be the commentator, and after a reply from Andreas, there will be a general discussion of some of the issues and themes raised by the book. The book considers how English law, particularly during Lord Eldon's Chancellorship, facilitated trade before the advent of general incorporation. In doing so, it considers issues central to modern debates about equity, trusts, insolvency, and the justifiability of corporate privileges.


To receive the Teams invitation, you will need to register for the event. This can be done by emailing


Here is the link to the book: And here is the description:


To what extent did English law facilitate trade before the advent of general incorporation and modern securities law? This is the question at the heart of Capitalism before Corporations. It examines the extent to which legal institutions of the Regency period, especially Lord Eldon's Chancellorship, were sympathetic to the needs of merchants and willing to accommodate their changing practices and demands within established legal doctrinal frameworks and contemporary political economic thought. In so doing, this book probes at the heart of modern debates about equity, trusts, insolvency, and the justifiability of corporate privileges.


Corporations are an integral part of modern life. We bank with corporations, we usually buy our groceries from them, and they provide us with most news and media. We take it for granted too that most large-scale business, and even much small-scale business, is carried out by corporations. Things were not always so. Televantos considers the Bubble Act of 1720, which criminalised the forming of corporations without a Royal Charter or Act of Parliament, its repeal in 1825, and the subsequent impact. Much of the modernisation of Britain's industry therefore took place before general incorporation was allowed. Unaided by statute, traders had to create business organisations using the basic building blocks of private law: trusts, partnership, and agency.


Happy Reading,




Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)